Thursday, July 22, 2010

Whidbey Race Week / Coupeville Wharf

A girl in a very short skirt watched the races from the end of Coupeville Wharf. You get in my view frame, I draw you.
This Boxer was incredibly well-behaved, waiting patiently at the end of his leash for hours. He was doing more people-watching and dog-watching than race-watching. You'd be surprised at how many dogs attended this event. (And just for the record, the spectator in the straw hat was also very well behaved.)


  1. Super fabulous sketches! Love the loose, impressionistic qualities you're achieving. And the gal at the top is great. Love the boats in the background.

  2. All of these have so much expression. The easy flow of your colors and water on the dog are a happy result.

  3. Some of your very best. Really, really lovely dog & spectator. Short Skirt Girl is a gem. Very, very well done.

  4. Thanks, all. I guess it was a watery sort of sketching day. You've encouraged me to work wet more often and try to improve my skills.
