Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Best Boss Ever: Sharon's Going Away Party

As I sketched this group of women on the deck of the Basil Cafe at Bayview Corner last Wednesday, I could tell something special was going on. There was a lot of laughter, excitement and hugging. As they were leaving, I found out they all worked at the Clinton Post Office and that it had been a going-away celebration for their boss, Sharon, the "best boss ever." They couldn't stop talking about what a great boss she was. She was retiring to Costa Rica . . . or was it New Zealand? Somewhere exotic sounding, anyway. Unfortunately Sharon is the only one at the table who didn't make it into the sketch. But her adoring employees thought she would love to see it. so I said I would post it on the blog.
Somebody show it to Sharon, OK?


  1. Thank you so much for posting this!!!!!!!!!!!! We will share with Sharon and yes, it's Costa Rica she is going to.

    Barbara Phelps (the one with her back to you!)

  2. Cool! I'm so glad you found it. Bon voyage to Sharon!
