Monday, November 5, 2012

Last of this Season's Flowers

For a dinner party last weekend, it took a combination of plants from my garden and a nearby farmstand supplemented by grocery store florals to put together arrangements for the table.  First weekend in November and we've finally hit the end of our garden flowers for this season so I had to capture the final ones and look forward to buds in the spring.


  1. This is really lovely and fresh. I love the vase configuration too.

  2. Agreed! Very fresh! I love how the line gets lost, reappears and ntermingles with the washes, suggesting contours and movement. Those vases are wonderfully supported by one line. Great piece!

  3. Thank you Sue and Kris! I needed to loosen up after painting several portraits tight, detailed and fussy! This sketch felt liberating!!!

  4. Love these whimsical free flowing summer flowers.
