Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pat's Greenbank Store Sketches

The plant wagon and the crow seem to be the overwhelming favorites among sketching subjects in the Greenbank Cafe. I can see why.

Pat says "The couple eating lunch are interested in purchasing their sketch. I may have something going here." Cool!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Betty's Take on Port Townsend

Following are two lovely sketches from Betty Rayle while in Port Townsend for our Whidbey Island Sketchers day recently. 

... a Port Townsend still life

... and a view inside Sirens from its deck.  What a glorious day to have been sketching on the deck in Port Townsend in the middle of March!

Magazine Features One of Our Own

One of the most wonderful things about being part of the Whidbey Island Sketchers is learning, laughing and sketching with fellow sketchers of all skill levels.  We have some real pros among us and they constantly inspire and support a newbie like me who still laughs nervously when someone refers to me as an "artist". 

One of our pros is featured this month in Nectar magazine.  Nectar is an outdoor magazine for women featuring articles about all kinds of outdoor sports such as kayaking and backpacking.  Besides sports, they also feature interviews of writers and visual artists.  Click here to see their March Issue#03 featuring an interview and art by our very own Kris Wiltse.  We're proud of you Kris!! 
(image above:  Nectar magazine)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Barbara's Whidbey Views

Barbara Mearing managed to get in a sketch while waiting for the Port Townsend ferry. 

... and captured Lois sketching at Bayview Corner recently. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Greenbank Sketches

It was really spring at Greenbank Cellars this afternoon.
The blue chairs and daffodils in front of Betty's studio
made me stay and paint!

This great little wagon is upstairs at the Greenbank Store.
Full of color and light!
Sherryl and Lisbeth....and a crow

A Guy. A Camellia

Great couple of hours sketching at the Greenbank Café.  I started sketching a guy having breakfast (below).  Then my brunch arrived, I stopped to eat, and the guy was done.  Hence, the sketch isn't really finished below the table! 

But, I turned my focus to this lovely camellia in a dainty pitcher and all was right with the world.

In Spirit

In the spirit with my sketching buds today at Greenbank Store, here's a sketch from Half Link Bicycle shop at Bayview Corner. I missed you! See you next week in a lovely garden.

And here's the Bat House on the roof...

Greenbank Store

The Green bank Store Cafe has delicious breakfast.
It's a charming Cafe with clever art and fresh flowers. This wagon was full of fresh ivy shining in the sunlight.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Whidbey Gardening Workshop

In honor of the first day of Spring, I'm posting sketches from today's Whidbey Gardening Workshop sponsored by Whidbey Master Gardeners/WSU Extension.  I attended classes (and sketched) while my husband mowed the yard!

Waterwise gardening with Mary from Cultus Bay Nursery

Deer-resistent strategies & plant selection by Master Gardener Anne

And I just had to throw in a plant display heralding the arrival of Spring down at Bayview Farm & Garden

Wednesday in Port Townsend


Friday, March 19, 2010

St. Paddy's Day in Port Townsend

The sketchers had a fine day of sketching in Port Townsend on St. Patrick's Day.

Some kids on the Keystone - Pt Townsend ferry.

Lunch on Sirens' deck. We had shepherd's pie in honor of St. Patrick's Day.

In the bar at Sirens. Lots of lamps and plants and great light coming through the windows.

Young woman with a book, a brew and a great head of hair at the bar.

These ladies were so cute - dressed in head-to-toe green for St. Paddy's Day. But they got up an left the minute I started.

Another view of Sirens bar.

Really getting loose now.  Okay, we were at Sirens bar a long time.  There was a lot to draw . . .  and eat and drink. Rave reviews for the fried oysters, shepherd's pie and all four desserts - yes we tried all four - apple dumplings, bread pudding, chocolate cake and creme brulee'.

Pat's Plein Air Sketches

Pat Brookes has been inspired by all the great weather we've been having. She did all these lovely watercolor sketches of Whidbey Island and Pt. Townsend in the past week or so.

Coles Road Pond 3/9/10

Low Tide at Double Bluff 9:30am 3/15/10

Camping at Keystone Fort Casey 3/17/10

Keystone Ferry 3/17/10

Pt Townsend Warehouse from Sirens Restaurant Deck 3/17/10 (not finished)

Outgoing Tide - Sunlight Beach View 3/18/10

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Across the Water to Port Townsend

After rolling across the water on the ferry, I caught this lady in Tyler's eating sweets. I started with watercolor and added very few lines.

The person in the foreground was sitting outside on the deck at Sirens. The lady in red was in a painting on the wall inside. I worked on this first in pencil then added watercolor.

A very late and loose self portrait.

Tripping to Port Townsend

Fun was had by all on our trip to Port Townsend. I had intended to get in the great architecture there, but I ended up at Siren's, a local bar and eatery with great food. I was trapped by it's wonderfully rich interior. So we'll have to do a trip very soon to sketch some exteriors. By the way, Siren's fried oysters were some of the best I've ever had.

Used a Gel Pen for these line sketches. Slippery. They're nice to use. I wonder about their permanence, though.

People on the ferry. This woman was being interviewed for a job.

The rolling hills from the rolling ship as we approached Port Townsend. My lines rolled, that's for sure.

It'd sure be nice to do some people frontal. This gal sat down in the middle of my sketch.

It was a lovely day, though windy. A quick sketch of Sherryl and Lisbeth on the deck... sketching.

Siren's bordello-like interior. Lots of antiques and retro style.

Port Townsend Adventures

One of the amazing objects in Joglo, an Indonesian
import shop across from Sirens. This is a Balinese Offering Bird.
I wanted to take him home.

Fellow sketchers on the bouncing and rolling
ferry. I'm trying out a new brown paper
sketchbook...think I like it..

Color and a crow by the beach in Port Townsend
Lunch and a sketch from the sunny deck at Sirens.
Doesn't get much better than this in March!

Across the water to Port Townsend

What a glorious day for a sketching trip by the Whidbey Island Sketchers. 10:15 ferry sailing to Port Townsend.  Ferry was rockin' and rollin' - I couldn't sketch.

Back on solid ground, a few of us began the day with coffee & sweets at the Tyler Street Coffee House.  yum. 

Next stop, lunch at Sirens, one of Port Townsend's hidden treasures.  I enjoyed sketching the view through the window.

So many great things & people to sketch at Sirens - inside and out!

Managed to take a break from sketching and get a little shopping in before returning for this final sketch of the day.  I thought about adding line; decided watercolor captured the scene by this tired sketcher.