Friday, May 22, 2015

Anne and Patrick Ferry-Brennan

Today it was as though we had travelled to the French countryside to an enchanted garden. Goddess' everywhere were splashing paint and scribbling away attempting to capture the magic.  Several little buildings were scattered about the landscape, each one a place for making art of some kind. Our hostess, Anne, quietly produced delicious handmade pizzas and chocolate cake from her oven and served it in the garden near the inviting fire. Meanwhile host Patrick engaged us with conversation of beings so amazing that no one could even believe in them! And the inevitability of it all, and how the past and future create our present moment. The day was rich and vibrant, and I consider the WISks to be a bunch of Lucky Ducks. We get to visit such amazing environments and people while we do the thing we love to do......sketch! Thank you Anne and Patrick!


  1. A taste of France, delicious pizza, exceptional hosts, and colorful art of talented Sketchers...magic...

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