Saturday, April 18, 2015

Paradise Found Fiber Farm

The WISkers lucked out with a fabulous day for sketching llamas and alpacas at Paradise Found Fiber Farm. All are members of the Llama Family, we learned. We sat in the sun, lined up against the fence, and enticed the gentle beasts to come closer so we could get better views. At one point there were large rear ends in our faces that felt just a little too close. I took my chances and kept on sketching, though I can't say I was totally comfortable. I moved to the Fiber Shack, where Mary sells charming and beautiful fibers and fiber crafts in order to support her dedication to giving forever homes to these animals who have been abused or abandoned. When Happy Hour arrived we moved to Barb Barry's beautiful home where some sat in the sun and visited, while others continued sketching from the many colorful still life set ups Barb had throughout her home. What can I say? Another perfect afternoon with WISk. 


  1. Fantastic capture of a fun sketching day. Sweet alpaca butt. Love those little faces peeking out of the Fiber Shack.

  2. Thanks Sue, I look forward to seeing your postings....and others. I feel I am hogging the blog. Just trying to be a good WISker and set a good example and get things off my list. Mañana.
