We had an unexpectedly nice, sunny day for the Island Transit Sketching Adventure to Coupeville. We were a small but mighty group of 5, including a surprise appearance by a mystery sketcher. (Stay tuned to my next post for the bus ride part of the story.) Our first stop in Coupeville was Lavender Wind Farm right across the street from the bus stop. It was actually warm and sunny enough to sit outside on the patio and sketch. I took off on a scouting mission to Front Street with the mystery sketcher, so only had time for one quick sketch of the garden at Lavender Wind Farm.

After a delicious lunch at Front Street Grill (don't miss the apricot cider!) we sat in the sunny courtyard of Vail Wine Shop and Tasting Room. Sherryl and Faye headed across the street to Kaspaw Iskreme for their sugar fixes. I managed a fast capture of Sherryl's cone between licks. When our spot got too chilly outside, we went inside where the non-ice cream eaters had some wine instead. I tasted the 6 tasting wines of the day and sketched a witch. Then it was off to catch the 5:45 bus home! Vail would be a great venue for us this winter - great atmosphere, friendly owners, and enough room for our group! They don't get too busy until about 4:00.